Parent Information

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Log in to myDSD to check attendance, see your child's school lunch balance and add money to the account, pay school fees, and so much more!


Menus and nutrition information

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Breakfast Prices Lunch Prices
Elementary $1.55
Secondary $1.60
Reduced $.30
Adult $2.10
Elementary $2.05
Secondary $2.45
Reduced $.40
Adult $3.50

Free/Reduced Meals
The 2023-2024 lunch applications will be available for you to fill out and submit online through your my.DSD guardian account. Only one application is needed per household per school year. A new application must be filled out every school year. Computers are available in the schools, local libraries, and at the Nutrition Services office. Parents/guardians are responsible to pay for all school meals until your application has been approved. You will be notified by email when your application has been processed. If you have questions you may send an email to or call the Nutrition Services office at 801-402-7647.

Meal Payment Options
1. Online payments: (Set up a guardian account if you do not currently have one.)
2. Cash, Checks, or Money Orders: Only accepted at your school. Please clearly mark the payment with your student’s ID number. Please note that Bill Pay checks from your bank can take up to 1 week before posting to student accounts. *No cash will be given back for checks*
3. Automated Monthly Check Debits: Designate a monthly payment amount to be deducted from your checking or savings account on the 1st or 15th of each month to be deposited directly into your student’s lunch account. Complete the Auto Pay Authorization Form, available on our website, and return it to the Nutrition Services Office. For help with the auto pay call Cindy at 801-402-7675. For all other account information use your my.DSD guardian account or contact the Nutrition Services office at 801-402-7640

